Санкционные списки
26.10.2024 05:31:36

Nestor Luis Reverol Torres


Тип Индивидуум
Пол Mужской
Имя списка Oбъединенное Королевство
Программы (1) Venezuela
Входит в список (1) 22.01.2018

Имена/Названия (2)

Фамилия/Название Reverol Torres
Имя/Название Nestor
Второе имя/Название Luis
Полное имя/Название Nestor Luis Reverol Torres
Тип Имя
Описание (1) Minister for Interior Justice and Peace (2) Vice-President of Public Works and Services (3) Executive Secretary of the Electrical General Staff
Замечание Minister
Полное имя/Название Néstor Luis Reverol Torres
Тип Нелатинское письмо

Гражданства (1)

Стpaнa VE

Адреса (1)

Стpaнa VE

Данные о рождении (1)

Дата рождения

Обоснование (3)

Currently Minister for Electrical Energy and Sectoral Vice President of Public Works and Services. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Reverol Torres, as Interior Minister, was responsible for policing, and parts of the Venezuelan security forces. Under the command of Reverol Torres as Interior Minister, the Bolivarian National Police committed serious human rights violations between April and July 2017, including excessive use of force by security forces, arbitrary arrest and detention, mistreatment and torture in detention, and over 120 deaths between April and August 2017. Further, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that he was also involved in the commission of serious human rights violations as former Commander General of the Bolivian National Guard, including during “Liberation of the People” security operations against suspected gang-members in 2015. He was later promoted to General in Chief within the National Guard.
Currently Minister for Electrical Energy and Sectoral Vice President of Public Works and Services. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Reverol Torres, as Interior Minister, was responsible for policing, and parts of the Venezuelan security forces. Under the command of Reverol Torres as Interior Minister, the Bolivarian National Police committed serious human rights violations between April and July 2017, including excessive use of force by security forces, arbitrary arrest and detention, mistreatment and torture in detention, and over 120 deaths between April and August 2017. Further, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that he was also involved in the commission of serious human rights violations as former Commander General of the Bolivian National Guard, including during “Liberation of the People” security operations against suspected gang-members in 2015. He was later promoted to General in Chief within the National Guard.
Minister for Interior, Justice and Peace since 2016.Also appointed as Vice-President of Public Works and Services and Executive Secretary of the Electrical General Staff in April 2019.Former General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard.Responsible for serious human rights violations, including torture of (political) prisoners, and repression of the democratic opposition in Venezuela, including the prohibition and repression of political demonstrations, committed by security forces under his command.

Исторические данные

Имена/Названия (2)

Статус Исторический (последний раз был активен 29.01.2022 05:15)
Фамилия/Название Reverol Torres
Имя/Название Nestor
Второе имя/Название Luis
Полное имя/Название Reverol Torres Nestor Luis
Тип Главный псевдоним
Описание Minister for Interior Justice and Peace.Vice-President of Public Works and Services and Executive Secretary of the Electrical General Staff
Статус Исторический (последний раз был активен 28.02.2022 05:16)
Фамилия/Название Reverol Torres
Имя/Название Nestor
Второе имя/Название Luis
Полное имя/Название Minister Reverol Torres Nestor Luis
Тип Главный псевдоним
Описание (1) Minister for Interior Justice and Peace (2) Vice-President of Public Works and Services (3) Executive Secretary of the Electrical General Staff
Замечание Minister

Гражданства (1)

Статус Исторический (последний раз был активен 28.02.2022 05:16)
Стpaнa VE

Адреса (1)

Статус Исторический (последний раз был активен 28.02.2022 05:16)
Стpaнa VE
Полный адрес Caracas Venezuela

Данные о рождении (1)

Статус Исторический (последний раз был активен 28.02.2022 05:16)
Дата рождения

Идентификационные документы (1)

Статус Исторический (последний раз был активен 29.01.2022 05:15)
Тип Further Identifiying Information: Minister for Interior, Justice and Peace
Обновленный: 26.10.2024. 05:15
В каталог включены субъекты, включенные в списки санкций Латвии, Организации Объединенных Наций, Европейского Союза, Oбъединенное Королевство и Управления Министерства финансов США по контролю за иностранными активами (OFAC).